/BCO-DMO/Stressors_Marine_Phytoplankton/syn_cmp1629_growth ---- Level 0

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#   Synechococcus elongatus CCMP1629 summary: growth of nitrate-limited and nutrient-replete cultures
#   PI: E. Laws (LSU)
#   version date: 2020-05-11
temp    limiting_factor    irradiance    pCO2    growth_day    growth_relative    PI_mean    dark_resp_day    Fv_FM    PM_lights_on    PM_midday    PM_lights_off    PM_mean    alpha_lights_on    alpha_midday    alpha_lights_off    alpha_mean    C_to_N    C_to_chl    
20      temp/light         22            400     0.37          nd                 1.28       0.12             0.434    5.64            7.21         3.68             5.51       2.07               2.42            1.08                1.86          4.69      39.45       
nd      temp/light         50            400     0.80          nd                 nd         nd               nd       nd              nd           nd               nd         nd                 nd              nd                  nd            nd        nd          
20      temp               360           400     0.72          nd                 4.60       0.18             0.573    17.00           13.50        6.61             12.37      1.67               1.18            0.46                1.10          5.38      94.46       
20      temp/light         50            1000    0.90          nd                 nd         nd               nd       nd              nd           nd               nd         nd                 nd              nd                  nd            nd        nd          
20      temp               300           1000    0.90          nd                 nd         nd               nd       nd              nd           nd               nd         nd                 nd              nd                  nd            nd        nd          
25      light              50            400     1.05          nd                 2.31       0.055            0.38     6.20            8.20         7.30             7.23       1.59               1.68            1.89                1.72          3.76      29.60       
25      temp               300           400     1.96          nd                 23.08      0.37             0.58     9.65            27.40        15.70            17.58      2.19               2.96            1.93                2.36          5.51      158.10      
25      light              50            1000    1.04          nd                 2.30       0.11             0.37     4.64            6.60         5.64             5.63       1.51               1.64            1.39                1.51          3.67      31.30       
25      temp               300           1000    2.07          nd                 8.80       0.21             0.30     7.60            12.00        11.20            10.27      0.86               1.06            1.21                1.04          4.08      56.00       
30      light              22            400     0.56          nd                 1.12       0.12             0.555    2.39            2.49         1.66             2.18       1.29               1.11            0.75                1.05          4.71      24.79       
30      light              50            400     1.28          nd                 2.21       0.01             0.52     5.04            7.10         6.24             6.13       1.33               1.89            1.88                1.70          3.90      26.39       
30      temp               300           400     2.70          nd                 11.97      0.45             0.584    28.93           23.67        9.32             20.64      4.03               2.12            1.10                2.42          5.26      33.37       
30      light              50            1000    1.25          nd                 3.21       -0.14            0.3      4.84            4.95         4.62             4.80       1.62               1.51            1.51                1.55          4.30      32.90       
30      temp               300           1000    4.60          nd                 52.70      -1.26            0.6      31.68           16.95        6.28             18.30      6.32               2.86            1.36                3.51          4.81      204.00      
35      light              22            400     0.49          nd                 0.86       0.14             0.528    2.62            3.32         3.38             3.11       1.24               1.63            1.74                1.54          4.75      27.46       
35      light              50            400     1.60          nd                 3.20       -0.26            0.55     2.96            2.36         2.64             2.65       0.89               0.54            0.76                0.73          4.20      32.20       
35      temp               360           400     3.87          nd                 12.62      0.41             0.59     8.83            23.00        17.20            16.34      1.19               2.53            2.48                2.07          5.19      51.44       
35      light              50            1000    1.44          nd                 2.64       -0.42            0.55     7.24            4.72         5.17             5.71       2.40               1.05            1.62                1.69          4.30      28.70       
35      temp               300           1000    4.56          nd                 22.23      -1.21            nd       32.40           15.10        10.10            19.20      7.01               3.24            1.90                4.05          4.76      75.10       
40      light              22            400     0.48          nd                 2.84       0.16             0.52     4.38            4.90         3.49             4.26       2.20               5.15            2.31                3.22          6.08      31.15       
40      light              50            400     1.34          nd                 2.71       -0.17            0.41     4.43            6.30         4.61             5.11       1.35               1.72            1.59                1.55          4.31      29.20       
40      temp               360           400     3.89          nd                 11.94      0.49             0.608    15.80           24.60        14.70            18.37      2.63               5.14            3.39                3.72          5.62      61.70       
40      light              50            1000    1.27          nd                 2.56       0.55             0.24     3.04            4.56         3.62             3.74       0.93               1.29            1.25                1.16          4.44      25.30       
40      temp               300           1000    3.60          nd                 13.51      -0.37            0.6      14.36           9.64         6.40             10.13      0.92               0.44            0.29                0.55          4.54      46.15       
45      light              22            400     0.25          nd                 0.57       0.17             0.548    5.87            7.49         3.49             5.62       3.16               4.45            1.30                2.97          5.40      25.84       
45      light              50            400     0.90          nd                 9.18       0.22             0.55     3.70            5.18         3.22             4.03       0.74               1.00            0.63                0.79          3.06      135.00      
45      temp               360           400     1.51          nd                 6.94       0.87             0.569    25.30           25.10        8.50             19.63      3.24               1.83            2.26                2.44          5.10      46.71       
45      light              50            1000    1.38          nd                 2.31       -0.60            0.54     5.05            9.14         6.23             6.81       1.51               2.78            1.90                2.06          nd        26.42       
45      temp               300           1000    2.83          nd                 6.82       -1.22            0.56     10.76           18.08        24.00            17.61      2.37               3.03            5.50                3.63          nd        37.98       
20      nutrient           50            400     0.25          0.68               2.17       0.64             nd       3.72            3.53         1.36             2.87       1.10               0.76            0.19                0.68          5.90      56.80       
20      nutrient           300           400     0.38          0.53               5.52       0.23             0.37     5.19            6.42         4.77             5.46       0.24               0.45            0.27                0.32          7.87      165.00      
20      nutrient           50            1000    0.50          nd                 5.79       0.15             nd       8.05            7.67         5.71             7.14       2.14               1.31            1.05                1.50          6.29      134.00      
20      nutrient           300           1000    0.35          nd                 4.19       0.38             0.37     2.48            8.31         2.62             4.47       0.38               0.38            0.25                0.34          8.20      173.00      
25      nutrient           50            400     0.60          0.57               6.70       0.22             nd       8.29            12.17        5.49             8.65       2.13               3.03            1.11                2.09          7.12      132.7       
25      nutrient           300           400     1.00          0.51               16.94      0.46             nd       22.80           21.70        9.85             18.12      3.70               1.86            0.73                2.10          7.76      200.1       
25      nutrient           50            1000    0.45          0.43               5.09       0.51             0.32     4.02            4.33         3.71             4.02       0.67               0.72            0.67                0.68          7.66      94.7        
25      nutrient           300           1000    0.99          0.48               7.66       -0.02            0.416    8.63            6.66         6.27             7.19       1.26               0.64            0.73                0.88          8.77      111         
30      nutrient           50            400     0.60          0.47               3.31       0.88             nd       4.27            4.26         3.51             4.01       1.41               1.52            1.03                1.32          5.8       49.07       
30      nutrient           300           400     1.00          0.37               11.04      0.95             nd       17.30           21.40        10.90            16.53      0.92               0.99            0.50                0.80          7.1       108.5       
30      nutrient           50            1000    0.80          0.64               3.43       0.40             nd       5.17            4.45         2.00             3.87       1.60               1.39            0.61                1.20          6.22      50          
30      nutrient           300           1000    0.78          0.17               5.95       0.61             0.18     5.85            5.65         4.57             5.36       0.84               0.75            0.59                0.73          8.57      91.7        
35      nutrient           50            400     0.80          0.50               4.95       0.42             nd       7.38            5.66         3.37             5.47       1.84               1.49            0.71                1.35          7.23      63.13       
35      nutrient           300           400     1.80          0.47               13.54      0.50             nd       15.80           14.68        10.06            13.51      2.24               1.72            1.08                1.68          6.83      93.26       
35      nutrient           50            1000    0.78          0.54               2.98       0.61             0.55     3.80            3.79         2.92             3.50       0.80               0.78            0.70                0.76          6.4       37.1        
35      nutrient           300           1000    1.78          0.39               9.80       0.59             0.36     11.10           10.40        6.69             9.40       0.67               0.93            0.69                0.76          6.86      71.5        
40      nutrient           50            400     0.67          0.50               2.58       0.58             0.16     4.18            3.80         3.27             3.75       0.65               0.71            0.69                0.68          6.72      39.4        
40      nutrient           300           400     1.70          0.44               13.20      nd               nd       15.80           13.80        9.34             12.98      1.59               1.46            0.74                1.26          7.85      108         
40      nutrient           50            1000    0.84          0.66               2.68       0.25             0.52     3.89            3.36         2.84             3.36       0.87               0.95            0.71                0.84          7.72      50.3        
40      nutrient           300           1000    0.77          0.21               7.60       0.77             0.141    7.45            6.95         4.83             6.41       0.88               0.97            0.77                0.87          9.15      110         
45      nutrient           50            400     0.25          0.28               2.07       0.56             0.55     9.38            10.9         5.47             8.58       5.17               6.47            2.01                4.55          6.3       49.2        
45      nutrient           300           400     0.76          0.50               7.18       0.657            0.15     12.31           12.2         8.55             11.02      0.855              0.72            0.65                0.74          7.3       96.3        
45      nutrient           50            1000    0.6           0.43               2.9        0.26             0.55     6.2             6.97         1.59             4.92       0.63               1.08            0.23                0.65          6.3       57          
45      nutrient           300           1000    0.72          0.25               6.59       0.637            0.257    5.86            7.34         2.83             5.34       0.3                0.44            0.34                0.36          7.43      96